For this last photo assignment, I took pictures of eyes. I had to come up real close to the person I was taking a picture of, but I aimed for eyes with and without makeup, and also for eyes of different colors.
Aperture: f/2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/20
ISO: 400
During this assignment, I learned how to take pictures of eyes really close up. I also learned how to edit these photos and make the color and texture really pop. I enjoyed this assignment because my subjects were fun to work with and I thought it was a creative category for a last photo assignment.
During this assignment, I took pictures of my bother and my neighbors jumping into the pool in creative ways. Sometimes they are demonstrating cannonballs, sometimes a dive, and other times just a random jump in. I took some pictures of them in mid air, and other pictures of them hitting the water. I used a high shutter speed so I could freeze them in mid air.
Aperture: f/6.3
Shutter Speed: 1/500
ISO: 400
During this assignment, I learned how to time my photos with them jumping into the pool. It was a little frustrating at times because I would be a little early or a little late, but eventually I got the jest of it and it turned out good. I liked this category for picture taking and it was a lot of fun.
For this assignment, we had to use our heads to think of creative puns. Then, we would take images from Google, save them, and then drag them into Photoshop. Then, we had to edit all of the photos to create the pun that we intended for. We each had to do three puns.
Pun #1
Pun #2
Pun #3
During this assignment, I didn't learn to much because we already really know how to use the basics of photoshop. With this assignment, we really just had to think up some creative puns. I enjoyed this assignment and look forward to more photoshop assignments similar to this one.
For this assignment, we had to go onto Youtube and search for Photoshop tutorials. Mr. O'Donnell wanted us to chose out assignment this time. I went and searched and found an interesting tutorial that lets you take a picture and wrap glow lines around the main point of the image (in my case, a classmate). I followed the directions step by step, watching what the guy did on his computer screen.
This assignment was an awesome one! I learned how to take an average picture and make it look awesome. I liked following the guide step by step and I look forward to using this in the future. The link with the tutorial is
For this assignment, I went down to Curtis Park to take some cool pictures for the category black and white. I took photos normal, and then switched them over to the black and white setting in Photoshop. I took many pictures of the bridge, and many pictures of a small waterfall; both places seemed like good locations for a black and white photo.
Aperture: f/4
Shutter Speed: 1/800
ISO: 80
During this assignment, I learned how to take quality photos. I had to think ahead of time because they wouldn't be in regular color, they would be portrayed in black and white. I like this photo assignment, for I have always had a love for black and white photos.
For this assignment, I went to five different locations to take a picture with a wide view. At each location we had to capture the wide view as a whole. So, I took no less that three pictures at each location, making sure to overlap each a little bit. Then when we would put them into the computer, they would all mesh together to create one large picture of the entire setting.
During this assignment I learned how to take several pictures to produce a wide setting. This was a difficult, yet simple assginment. Some of my pictures turned out, and others didnt. But I did learn how to use this and how to improve for future photos.
For this assignment, I took pictures of food. Mother's Day was this past weekend, so making her breakfast in bed with delicious fruits helped with my assignment. I had to make the food look mouth-watering, so the pictures would be perfect. I took a lot of pictures of breakfast food, including a lot of fruits. However, I also spread to entrees and desserts.
Aperture: f/2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/25
ISO: 400
During this assignment, I learned how to "set up" the food to make it look as yummy as possible. It was a little difficult at times, but I really tried to get as many different colors as possible. This was a fun assignment, because after I made the food look delicious and took some pictures, I got to eat it! I've never really taken pictures of food before, so it was a new experience for me. However, I enjoyed it.