Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Assignment Description: For this assignment, we had to take notes on how to take pictures for rule of thirds, patterns, symmetry, texture, depth of field, lines, framing, perspective, space, balance, and color. Then we were to take our cameras, and go out and take what we thought were the best pictures for each category. We also had to create a photoshop account and a blogger account, this way we would have a place to safely upload our pictures and share them on a blog with the rest of the class so we can be graded on the pictures we took during class and outside of class.

Rule of Thirds = Flagpole and Building
Pattern = Back of Library Chair
Symmetry = Chairs
Texture = Wall
Depth of Field = Grass and Rock
Lines = Outside of Office Roof
Framing = Books
Perspective = Flagpole and Flag
Space = Chair and Wall
Balance = Stairwell
Color = Drinks in Vending Machine


Summary: During this project I learned how to use rule of thirds on the screen of the camera. For each technique we had to take a picture of, I learned how to come up with unique ways to take the picture. There are multiple classes, and everyone seems to be taking pictures of the same items. So, I had to come up with different ways to capture the same wanted result. I also learned how to work with symmetry, texture, depth of field, space, and balance. These were a little tough to get around school. Especially color. There isn't too much color in our school, so searching for a hint of color was a challenge. Over all, this assignment was a fun one! It had its difficult parts, but in the end the pictures were well worth it.

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